
新人教版高中英语 必修1 Unit 2 知识清单+巩固练习+答案

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1.apply vi申请;请求;vt 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)

<1>申请 apply for

<2>向某人申请某物 apply to sb for sth

<3>把某物应用到某物中 apply sth to sth

<4>致力于 apply oneself to

——application. n. 应用;用途;申请

<1>求职信 a job application

<2>申请信 a letter of application

---applicant. 申请者

2.pack收拾(行礼) 包装;打包行李  n  纸包;包裹。

<1>一包,一帮,一群 a pack of

<2>将装箱打包 pack sth up

<3>The walk is expected to last all day, so bring a ( pack ) packd lunch.

3.amazing adj 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的;


It is amazing that the ancient people could have built such great architecture.

---amaze v.t. 使吃惊;惊讶的;

---amazed adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的

<1>对......大为吃惊的be amazed at/by/that

<2>因做某事而感到吃惊,惊讶 be amazed to do sth

---amazement n 惊异;惊愕

<1>令某人惊奇的是 to one’s amazement

<2>惊讶地 in amazement

4.arrange vt/vi安排,筹划

<1>安排做某事 arrange to do sth

<2>为某人安排某事 arrange sth for sb

The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged.

---arrangement n.安排,筹备

<1>为......做安排、准备 make arrangements for

<2>谈妥,达成协议 arrive at an arrangement

5.recognize vt 辨别出,承认;认可;认识;认知

<1>通过......认出...... recognize....by/from

<2>把......看作...... recognize ..as


Everyone recognized him as/to be the best player in the match 


认不出来  beyond/out of recognition.

6.type n类型;种类

<1>这种 那种类型的 of this/that type

<2>一种 a type of

<3>各种类型的 all types of

<4>是某人喜欢的类型 be one’s type

type vi/vt 打字 

把......键入......(计算机)type ...into ...

7.admire vt钦佩;赞赏;赞美;羡慕

<1>欣赏某人做某事 admire sb for sth

I admire him for his success in his business.

----admiration n. 钦佩;受人钦佩的人、物

We expressed admiration for Shaw as a young coach.

---admirable adj. 令人羡慕的

8.contact vt.联络;联系


contact sb by email/telephone

contact n. 联系;接触

<1>与某人取得联系  make contact with 

<2>与某人保持联系 keep in contact with sb

<3>使某人接触某物 bring sb into contact with sb

<4>使某人失去联系 lose contact with sb

9. credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷

<1>为某人带来荣誉;某人值得赞扬;在某人名下 to one’s credit

<2>获得学分 receive a credit

<3>因为......而获得赞扬或表扬 receive a credit for

<4>信用卡 a credit card

10. detail细节,详情

<1>详细地  in detail

<2>详细叙述,逐一说明 go into detail

----detailed adj. 详细的

11. request n. 请求;要求

<1>要求得到...... make a request for

<2>按照要求 by request

<3>应某人的要求 at sb’s request

request vt. 请求;要求

<1>要求某人做某事 request sb to do sth

<2>向某人索要某事 request sth from sb


My teacher requested me to use/that I should use English frequently.

12. view n.风景;视野;观点;见解

<1>在视线范围内 in view

<2>不在视野 中 out of view

<3>进入视野 come into view

<4>对......一览无余 have a good view of...

<5>乍一看;初见 at first view

<6>鉴于,考虑到,由于  in view of

view vt 观看;注视;考虑

把......看作......view ...as...

13.sight. n 景象;看见;视力;视野

<1>进入视野,出现在眼前,看见 come into sight

<2>看不见,消失 lose sight of/out of sight 

<3>失明 lose one’s sight

<4>在视野内,看得见 in/ within sight

<5>初见,乍一看 at first sight

<6>一看见...... at the sight of...

14.comment v. 评论


comment on sth; make a comment/ comments on sth 

comment n. 评论

<1>不加评论  without comment


Her husband made no comment on/ about her new hair-style, which made her a little disappointed.


1.take control of...  控制;接管


He’s reached retiring age,but he is still firmly in control.


Who can take control of these naughty children?


The children are completely out of control since their father left.

2. make up  虚构;弥补;形成,组成;化妆;讲和;和好

<1>Five doctors and ten nurses make up the medical team.

The medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses. 


Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.

Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.

<3>Check in 在旅馆登记住宿;住宿;报到;签到;接收并登记。

Check out 结账离开,核实无误。



<1>Below are two texts about Peru. Look through them quickly.


<2>Especially amazing is the incas’ dry stone method of building.



<1>这些书中有我最喜爱的故事书。Among the books is my favourite book.


<1>It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.




It is I who am going to Qingdao tomorrow.



<1>Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new high way connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca.




Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe,



Clever as you are,I think you will fail if you don’t work hard,


As is reported in today’s newspaper, the famous musician is to give a concert in our city.

3. Can hardly/can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事


I have heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait to go.


The graduates can’t wait to leave school to work.



1. 申请_______

2. 应用于_______

3. 对…惊讶_______

4. 令某人惊讶的是_______

5. 为…做安排_______

6. 安排某人做…_______

7. 控制;接管_______

8. 失去控制_______

9. 被公认为…_______

10. 除…以外_______

11. 构词,形成_______

12. 详细地_______

13. 信用卡_______

14. (在旅馆等)登记_______

15. 结账离开_______

16. 做评论_______ 


1. apply → _______  n. 申请(表)

 → _____ n.申请表

2. amaze → _______  adj. 令人惊讶的 

 → _______ adj.感到惊讶的

 → _______ n.惊奇

3. arrangement → _______ v. 安排,筹备

4. extremely → _______ adj. 极端的

5. narrow → _______  adv. 勉强地,差点

6. powerful → _______ n. 力量

7. official→ _______ adv. 正式地 

8. admire →_______ adj. 令人钦佩的


1. Neuschwanstein is one of the most famous _____(城堡) in Europe.

2.The girl _____ (租) a room with her workmate when she worked in the old factory.

3. He is going to _____(收拾) some clothes to prepare for the trip. 

4. Every tree has its roots and every river has its _______(源头).

5. Chinese is one of the _______(官方的) languages in the UN.

6. Their final _______(目的地) is Beijing.

7. You can enjoy the _______(独特的) sight of Lake Titicaca.

8. Please _______(联系) me when you have problems.

9. There is a _______(雕像) of a famous writer in the university.

10. It is _____(极其) cold in the north of China in winter..


1.She is applying _______ the company _____ a position as a secretary.

2.It was _____(amaze) that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.

3.I’ll arrange _____ a car to pick you up.

4.The school is widely admired _______ its excellent teaching.

5.Enemy forces are taking control _______the city.

6. Our class _______(make) up of 30 girls and 30 boys.

7. In my book Beyond Java,I discuss these problems ______ detail.

8. I was looking forward to hearing his comments _______ this new film.

9. His request is that the work _______ (finish) as soon as possible.

10. The hotel assistant told me to check ______ before 12 o’clock.. 

11. Two passengers _______ (narrow) escaped the accident.

12. Lu Xun is recognized _______ one of the great writers in China.

13. Our school will make _______(arrange) for the meeting.

14. We couldn’t wait _______(go) home.

15. Anyway, I am amazed _______ the progress you’ve made.


1. 我迫不及待地要告诉你我的旅行计划(can’t wait to do)。


2. 国庆节(the National Day)就要到来,我计划去上海旅游看美丽的风景。


3. 在这次旅游中,我对中国文化和历史有了更好的了解(have a good knowledge of)。




1. apply for   2. apply to   3. be amazed at/by   4. to one’s amazement

5. make arrangements for   6. arrange for sb to do sth   7. take control of

8. out of control/ lose control of   9. be recognized as/to be…  10. other than 11. make up    12. in detail   13. credit card  14. check in 15. check out   16. comment on


1. application / applicant  2. amazing/ amazed/ amazement  3. arrange  4.extreme   5. narrowly   6. power  7. officially 8. admirable


1. castles       2. rented   3. pack    4. source   5. official  6. destination   7. unique   8. contact   9. statue   10. extremely


1. to; for  2. amazing  3. for    4. for    5. of   6. is made   7. in    8. on    

9. (should) be finished  10. out   11. narrowly    12. as/ to be   13. arrangements  14. to go    15. at/by


1. I can’t wait to tell you my travel plan.

2.(1)The National Day is coming and I am going to travel to Shanghai to see its beautiful view/ scenery.

(2)With the National Day coming, I am going to travel to Shanghai to enjoy its beautiful view/ scenery.

3. I have a good knowledge of Chinese culture and history in this trip.

新人教版高中英语 必修1:Welcome Unit 知识清单+巩固练习+答案
新人教版高中英语 必修1 Unit 1 知识清单+巩固练习+答案

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